Megan Sukys: Sunday Morning Stakeout

The view of the neighbor's house.

The view of the neighbor’s house.
Art by Britton Sukys


Fearing that a work hiatus was turning into unemployment, Drunken Telegraph co-founder Megan Sukys was determined to accomplish her to-do list on the very Sunday morning that the Tacoma SWAT team surrounded her neighbor’s house.


Clash of the Titans THIS FRIDAY!

Stories of Epic Battles, Friday, November 15, 2013, Broadway Center, Studio III, 7p FREE

Stories of Epic Battles, Friday, November 15, 2013, Broadway Center, Studio III, 730p FREE

What does a Drunken Telegraph show sound like?

Here’s a sneak listen of our next show:

Join us this Friday, November 15 at Tacoma’s Broadway Center for the Performing Arts, Studio III, at 7:30 for True Tales about Epic Battles. Sign up for the Story Slam and you can share your own 5 minute story about Clashing with Titans.

Reserve your FREE ticket here.


Rachel Doll O’Mahoney: Violently Non-Violent Vashon Island

PHOTO: The_April

This is not a photo of Rachel or her landlord.
PHOTO: The_April


Rachel Doll O’Mahoney is a minister by trade and vocation, so she’s pretty committed to peace and understanding. But, a passive aggressive landlord on bucolic Vashon Island, Washington drove her to the darkest fantasies.




Story Snapshot: Dean Burke

Dean Burke was a professional speed skater, something that came in handy when he quit his job at a sporting goods store in the early 90’s. Per store tradition, he had to take a race on roller blades around the mall, in costume, while being pursued by the entire security staff. He came out to welcome the 4th Brigade, 2nd…

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Story Snapshot: Tamekah Moore

Tamekah Moore and her husband, Zachary O’Neil, were separated for three years while he was stationed in Afghanistan with the 4th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division of the JBLM Stryker Brigade. Now that he’s back home, they share the secret to surviving being married and single at the same time. They shared their story at a Welcome Back Event for the…

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Story Snapshot: Jessyka Smith

When Jessyka Smith’s father came home from Afghanistan where he was stationed with the 4th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division of the JBLM Stryker Brigade, her whole family attended a Christian camp in Canada. Eleven-year-old Jessyka told her mother, Holly, about the difference that trip made for her at a Welcome Back event for the troops.

Story Snapshot: Charles Bryant

Charles Bryant at the Story Snapshot Port-a-Prlor.

Charles Bryant will never drink and drive.

Charles Bryant is still recovering from a car accident that happened five years ago, but he uses it as a way to teach others.
He came out to welcome the 4th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division of the JBLM Stryker Brigade home from Afghanistan and shared this story at the Drunken Telegraph Story Snapshot Port-a-Parlor.

Story Snapshot: Mike Williams

Mike Williams with his wife and family.

Mike Williams with his wife and family.


Mike Williams just came home from his fifth deployment as part of the 4th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division of the JBLM Stryker Brigade. His family came out with him to a Welcome Back Event where Mike shared this story at the Drunken Telegraph Story Snapshot Port-a-Parlor.

Tom Llewellyn: Mrs. Johnson and The Thunder Bomb Dogs

Tom Llewellyn waged a war of harassment with his beloved Thunder Bombs.

Tom Llewellyn waged a war of harassment with his beloved Thunder Bombs.
PHOTO: David Matsui

Tom Llewellyn’s family lived in Redondo Beach, WA before waterfront living was a ‘thing’. But when wealthy business owners started buying up the surrounding property, his single mom found herself the target of unasked-for advice from a well-to-do wife. So, Tom took it upon himself to defend their native rights with a full brick of Thunder Bomb firecrackers.